Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Fermenters and Bright Tanks Ordered

Today we purchased two new 7 barrel fermenters and one new 7 barrel bright tank from PBST Beer in Los Angeles. They have dual zone jacketing, meaning we can keep the flocculated yeast in the cone-bottom at a different (cooler) temperature than the beer at the top. This will help keep the yeast happy until we repitch it in a later batch.

These fermenters are significantly different than the cheap plastic conicals I was forced to use during my stint as a commercial brewer. These stainless steel fermenters are actually sanitary, they hold pressure (which means we can transfer with CO2 rather than a pump), they have a sampling port, a manway so we can get in them and scrub, a CIP ball (acronym for Clean In Place), a 4 inch port for dry hopping, and on-and-on. Needless to say, we are VERY EXCITED about them!!!!  

P.S. We are very super ultra happy excited about these!!
P.S.S Is it weird that I am also  anxious to clean them?

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