Thursday, September 19, 2013

That's the plan

We are working with architect Anne Parizeau to put all of our ideas onto paper (We were really trying to save money by drawing our own plans, but the city Building and Safety guy was "not in-agreement" with this plan. Bummer, because every dollar we save in permits and paperwork can go towards the equipment we sorely need, and we sorely need a keg washer!).

Anyways, below is the diagram that we submitted to the TTB. TTBs main concern seems to be brewery and tasting room separation and designation--they say that they want to make sure their revenue (taxes on the beer) stays protected. What this means is that there needs to be some means of deterrent to restrict non-brewery workers from accessing the non-taxed beer area. Nobody we have talked to knows precisely why this is a concern, but we have heard many of different guesses. Perhaps patrons were drinking from the bright tanks "tax-free"? If anyone knows the real answer, please, fill us in!
The hatched part of the plans is the actual brewery; it includes the beer production area, as well as the electric room, office, restrooms, utility-room, and the service-area behind the bar. The non-hatched area is the tasting room and observation area, which pretty much just means no seating (We weren't too keen with putting tables in front of the restrooms)... 
If we ever need to add more fermenters (Lets hope!), we could expand the production area into the observation area/entry simply by moving the 42" High Metal Rail over about five feet. Hooray for built-in expansion capabilities!! But for now, with 2519 feet of production area, we have all the room we need.

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