Sunday, September 15, 2013

Dabbling with a new logo

We ask almost everyone we come into contact with about our logo (The Cityscape logo with the Tesla Coil Sun in the background), and always get mixed responses. Some people like it, others are just "eh". And we have always felt about the same. The logo was okay, but never really grabbed us.

We always knew we wanted our logo to reflect the fact we are an electric brewery, but it was very hard to nail down a concept. We had asked ourselves many times: what does electric, or electricity, look like?  It was always electric bolts, tesla coils, or the shock waves that happen when a cartoon character gets electrocuted. All resulted in boring logo designs.

However, inspiration came to us when we weren't even looking for it! While installing a cities worth of 50 amp receptacles at the brewery (First Photo) we thought to ourselves, "hmmmm, could we turn one of these into a logo?".

So after a few hours on Microsoft Paint we came up with the below logo design (Second Photo). Our goal was to incorporate the electric receptacle into our logo design, while keeping it simple and clean. Obviously our logo designer will need to redo it professionally, but so far we think its pretty cool... 

50 Amp Receptacle

Rough Mock-Up of our Logo Concept Design
What does everyone think:

1. Did we nail it?
2. Should change something?
3. Did you like the other concepts better?

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