Thursday, December 19, 2013

Full Swing at ECB

Things are in full swing at the brewery. We have received all of our permits, except or building permit, which we expect to have in about 2 weeks. We just resubmitted our plans with corrections yesterday, so by January 2nd we should be able to get cranking on the construction. We have done pretty much everything that we can now, so once we get the permits we will be in good shape.

The bar is nearly done, and it looks amazing!

We have also started installing the draft system.

There are 6 more of the secondary regulators, but we are waiting on parts before we can finish the install.

We have also received our 3-tap jockey box from Micro-Matic that will be used for events (Super excited to start doing events) and our draft line cleaning system. Next order of business is to set rebar in the trenches so we can be ready for pouring concrete!
P.S. Our blogging has been lackluster, and we apologize. All of our free time has gone into the brewery (both in the build-out and behind the scenes stuff) for the past couple months. We love updating the blog though because it helps us actually see our progress, and it always feels good after a blog post to see what we have accomplished.